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Gatti Precorvi Lamiere Forate e Bugnate - Perforated and Embossed Plates
Soluzioni e componenti in lamiera forata e bugnata - Engineered perforated and embossed metal items Lamiere forate e bugnate - Perforated and embossed plates
Our Sun-breakers pass even the most demanding challenges
The Giordano Institute tested our Sun-breakers System through high operational stress sessions. The results confirm the high quality of the system which reinforces the cooperation for the realization of the BMS System started with Siemens for the Regione Lombardia Building in Milan.
Our Sun-breaking system was an integral part of the BMS operational system in the Regione Lombardia Building. A similar project is currently on execution for the Telecom Morocco Building. Further details on the use of climate walls and on tests can be requested to us.
  Perforated metal sheets - Embossed plates  
GATTI PRECORVI S.r.l. Via Lombardia, 1 - 24030 Medolago (BG) Tel. +39 0354993311 - Fax +39 0354993400 - E-mail: - P.IVA 03615310160 - Socio Unico - credits